Tuesday, January 17, 2012


From my favorite blog....

by Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: What happens to the people who are working on raising their vibration and have partially done so then they pass over before they have completed the process? Do they have to come back to 3D earth and start all over again?

ANSWER: The soul is continuously evolving, so any knowledge gained in one life remains in the energy field and can be accessed in the next.....know one really starts all over again ~ whatever soul knowledge is gained remains. That is why it is so important for us to raise our vibrations ~ which means to expand our consciousness so we can access more of the truth (LIGHT) from our higher self. Once we transition out of the physical body, wherever our vibrational frequency resides, is the specific level of the spiritual dimension that we will be placed in. However, when we are in Spirit, we are not bound by one specific location, we can travel and visit others simply through the direction of our thoughts/energy. Like energy attracts like energy...where we are placed in the spiritual dimension is not a better than/less than scenario....our location is simply based on our current level of vibrational resonance.

When we incarnate into physical form in the physical dimension ~ we have a soul contract with a specific timeline for birth and death, as well as, many opportunities during that contract to exit the physical body and move into the world of Spirit. Many of the people who are passing now have fulfilled their soul contracts. Some of these people are highly evolved souls who came to fulfill a specific mission to assist with the Earth’s ascension, and when they have fulfilled that mission, they leave and return where they came from. Oftentimes, these individuals have already ascended ~ they chose to incarnate into a physical body during this most auspicious time on Earth for a variety of reasons.....perhaps they came in to expand humanity’s consciousness, to alter genetic codes within a specific family lineage, they could have come in bringing ascension codes for the masses, they may be healers, they could be placed in governments for reform.....the reasons are endless. So just...

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...from my favorite blog.

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