Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How Do You Tell The Difference Between Ego/False guidance and Higher Self/True Guidance?

From my favorite blog....

By Sabrina Reber

QUESTION: I have difficulty telling the difference between my intuition and my ego? The voice inside your head ~ how do you know when its your higher self (perhaps your intuition) or your lower self (ego)??How can you see and find the line between these two?? Is there a difference between the higher self and intuition??

How can you tell if your feelings and emotions are ego based or if they come from your higher conscious self ~ especially if they give a sense of need! For example ~ the need to feel appreciated, touched, loved....is that looking for something outside of yourself to make you happy and fulfilled? As we become more enlightened don't we become more expanded and elevated from our human level/human needs?

There are many questions here so I am going to break them down into sections so I can address each one.

Q: How do you know when it's your higher self (perhaps your intuition) or your lower self (ego)? I am having difficulty telling the difference between my intuition and my ego?

A: First of all, I think it is important to understand that the ego is a fragmented, fear ~ filled distortion of our soul's energy. This fragmented part of our soul (the ego) has separated itself from the LIGHT of our higher awareness/higher self. The ego was created when we decided as a group consciousness to accept the "idea" of perceived separation from God, so we could learn through the use of our FREE WILL. This perceived separation from God/Goddess created fear, and a part of our divine energy broke away from the center/truth of our being. Every thing that has ever happened to us, from the beginning of our soul's existence ~ both good and bad ~ has stemmed from the use of our FREE WILL and these memories are stored within our souls....including wounds and fears from the sometimes....

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....from one of my favorite blogs.

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