I am a mother, a wife, a yoga teacher, a reiki master (in training), a doula and a goddess seeking the mystical side of existence... I believe it is possible to find the magic in the mundane. We are all old and ancient beings that have lost the knowledge and the wisdom to our very existence, the time has come to awaken.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
What lies beyond the veil
Its almost a sad thing to know what lies beyond the veil.
The memories rushing forth
When you see who you really are
When you see what life is really like
The material world disappears
The illusion disappears
Only Love and Light!
...and a yearning
an aching to go back,
to leave this illusion behind
There is a reason we forget
its almost too painful to remember and know
Its almost best that we never know what lies beyond the veil.

"No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take.
The grey rain-curtain of the world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it...
White shore, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise."
-Lord of the Rings
Don't worry, its just a ride
you can choose between LOVE and FEAR
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
by Sabrina Reber
QUESTION: What happens to the people who are working on raising their vibration and have partially done so then they pass over before they have completed the process? Do they have to come back to 3D earth and start all over again?
ANSWER: The soul is continuously evolving, so any knowledge gained in one life remains in the energy field and can be accessed in the next.....know one really starts all over again ~ whatever soul knowledge is gained remains. That is why it is so important for us to raise our vibrations ~ which means to expand our consciousness so we can access more of the truth (LIGHT) from our higher self. Once we transition out of the physical body, wherever our vibrational frequency resides, is the specific level of the spiritual dimension that we will be placed in. However, when we are in Spirit, we are not bound by one specific location, we can travel and visit others simply through the direction of our thoughts/energy. Like energy attracts like energy...where we are placed in the spiritual dimension is not a better than/less than scenario....our location is simply based on our current level of vibrational resonance.
When we incarnate into physical form in the physical dimension ~ we have a soul contract with a specific timeline for birth and death, as well as, many opportunities during that contract to exit the physical body and move into the world of Spirit. Many of the people who are passing now have fulfilled their soul contracts. Some of these people are highly evolved souls who came to fulfill a specific mission to assist with the Earth’s ascension, and when they have fulfilled that mission, they leave and return where they came from. Oftentimes, these individuals have already ascended ~ they chose to incarnate into a physical body during this most auspicious time on Earth for a variety of reasons.....perhaps they came in to expand humanity’s consciousness, to alter genetic codes within a specific family lineage, they could have come in bringing ascension codes for the masses, they may be healers, they could be placed in governments for reform.....the reasons are endless. So just...
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...from my favorite blog.
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...from my favorite blog.
How Do You Tell The Difference Between Ego/False guidance and Higher Self/True Guidance?
From my favorite blog....
By Sabrina Reber
QUESTION: I have difficulty telling the difference between my intuition and my ego? The voice inside your head ~ how do you know when its your higher self (perhaps your intuition) or your lower self (ego)??How can you see and find the line between these two?? Is there a difference between the higher self and intuition??
How can you tell if your feelings and emotions are ego based or if they come from your higher conscious self ~ especially if they give a sense of need! For example ~ the need to feel appreciated, touched, loved....is that looking for something outside of yourself to make you happy and fulfilled? As we become more enlightened don't we become more expanded and elevated from our human level/human needs?
There are many questions here so I am going to break them down into sections so I can address each one.
Q: How do you know when it's your higher self (perhaps your intuition) or your lower self (ego)? I am having difficulty telling the difference between my intuition and my ego?
A: First of all, I think it is important to understand that the ego is a fragmented, fear ~ filled distortion of our soul's energy. This fragmented part of our soul (the ego) has separated itself from the LIGHT of our higher awareness/higher self. The ego was created when we decided as a group consciousness to accept the "idea" of perceived separation from God, so we could learn through the use of our FREE WILL. This perceived separation from God/Goddess created fear, and a part of our divine energy broke away from the center/truth of our being. Every thing that has ever happened to us, from the beginning of our soul's existence ~ both good and bad ~ has stemmed from the use of our FREE WILL and these memories are stored within our souls....including wounds and fears from the sometimes....
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....from one of my favorite blogs.
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....from one of my favorite blogs.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Sacred Geometry and meditation
"The study of geometry, which descends to us from Pythagoras, is a meditation on the harmony of the cosmic order, and it is a meditation upon music. If you meditate upon geometry instead of just learning it in a linear way, you can actually hear the music of the spheres, because the geometric forms will key the eye and the ear to the inner sound. Every line that you draw,...you have the carryover from the spiritual octaves to the physical ....
So geometry, and mathematics and calculus, make the transition from the concrete to the non-concrete. It is one of the highest studies that anyone can pursue. In fact, whenever I study these fields I am so impressed by the scientific information that comes tumbling down from the higher octaves. And at one point as I was meditating on these areas, there was so much information coming, that I determined to direct my attention away from it because I realized that the world was not ready for that teaching; there was far too much power in the understanding of the universe. And there it is, very plainly and very simply there, for anyone who can make the attunement.
So Pythagoras knew what he was doing when he gave that subject of geometry to the world. He knew that ultimately the lovers of truth and the true devotees would pass through it into the higher exaltation of the soul. His esoteric teachings did not live on, but his geometry was like the parables of Christ. Hidden in it are the sacred mysteries."
- Excerpt from a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet during the conference The Education of the Heart (Tapes B83096, B83097). Copyright © 1983 Summit University Press. All rights reserved. Website: http://www.tsl.org/
Monday, January 2, 2012
The Time Has Come
Time Has Come
“Our grandparents told us about a big change that would happen. And now we are faced with it,” said Ac Tah. It won’t happen again for 135,000 years. Those that are already aware, he said, can take responsibility to awaken others.
Humanity has had the longing to change for many centuries, he said. The changes will be to our lifestyle, and the system, so it’s more harmonious. Many have the mature mind to know that only unity will bring a big change. To put aside differences of race, philosophy, religion, social classes – “we are allowed to be different.”
”We Measure Spiritual Thoughts
Ac Tah says his wise Mayan ancestors predicted these times. The Mayan calendars mark the end of an era. “Our calendars don’t just register time, but they also measure frequency, vibration, sound and all the energy of this planet.”
That’s why the Long count calendar finishes in 1992. “Our ancestors were not able to continue counting after 1992,” he said. “They couldn’t measure the energy or the vibration of the brain because the calendar is also linked to the Sun.”
Twenty Years of Energetic Instability
The years since 1992, up to 2012, are ones of big changes in the planet’s vibration, and ours as well, says Ac Tah. “Our ancestors calculated one Baktun (20 years) of the energetic instability, where the energy of Earth and the human body would grow slowly, but at the same time, in a very fast way.”
The solar wind has a lot to do with it. The solar winds come in at the Earth’s North and South poles creating the aurora borealis, also known as geomagnetic storms.
Humans Are Changing
The Mayans see even more Sun activity up to and after 2012, which will change the electromagnetic field of the Earth. And when this changes, we change too.
Already, says Ac Tah, there’s more consciousness to care for the Earth, animals and other human beings. There’s talk of energies coming in that changes us. Some people can control it, but many don’t know what to do with this energy – it can lead to being diagnosed with a mental imbalance.
Thoughts Become Reality
The mind works at a faster pace, because of changes to blood pressure, says Ac Tah. And this makes your thoughts very important, as the energy intensifies. The intense emotions stirred up will be potentialized.
It’s important, he says, to have a path for the thoughts, so we don’t sabotage ourselves. “If we let the thoughts go free, the body will be aggressive.”
More Solar Explosions
We can expect more intensity in 2011, so get ready. It’s time, he says, to purify the body from toxins and negative emotions. “This is precisely to bring up the potency of our essence.”
”It is always searching for peace and love. And it’s very important to prepare ourselves for 2011 for the quantity of energy that will be entering the planet.” He predicts we’ll become more sensitive, and reject technologies that are bad for our bodies and the Earth. But he is not anti-technology, saying it’s time to find better ways to use them that are more ‘planet friendly.’
The Pyramids
The Mayan ancestors studied genetics, frequencies, geometry and knew that when the body moves the mind also moves. “When they wanted to elevate their knowledge, they only needed to walk the city in a certain way it was established.”
The pyramid structure, said Ac Tah, gives off ultrasonic frequencies that travel far. “When solar winds come to Earth, these winds will collide with the walls of the pyramid, and this time would expand the energy of the pyramid (out into the surrounding area).”
The Sun’s ultrasonic waves create joy in the human brain. So that’s why, said Ac Tah, the pyramid is a generator of joy. “Our ancestors, instead of making super policemen, super laws, very big jails, they discovered the basic quality of the human being. That the brain wants frequencies and vibes.” This kept the people from devolving into the negative side of emotions.
Urgent Need for Unity
Ac Tah is on a mission to share this knowledge of architecture, math, and geometry, to prepare the human mind for this increase of energy. Without this, the emotions could become destructive.
From today to 2012, there’s a great quantity of energy on the planet. Things can get better for humanity, if there is unity. “But we need wisdom of ancestors and modern intelligence. If people sit around waiting to see what’s going to happen in 2012, nothing is going to happen.”
He said, “if we don’t give positive direction to this vibration, the primal/beastlike quality in the human being will be dominant.” And one way to channel this energy is using ancient Mayan geometry, for “nerve alignment.” Says Ac Tah, “This form enables the brain to align to the frequencies.”
2011 is Year of Preparation
Ac Tah’s message is to lose fear about the differences we have with others, and come together in unity. If you fee a calling, that “2012 is a portal of light,” he says those people have a responsibility to practice unity, by holding gatherings.
As chemical beings, Ac Tah says we emit aromas of fear, sadness, joy. “So if I sweat joy, it’s what I’m going to have around me.” So to create joy, the first responsibility is to “Do what they love doing. Be in the place where they want to be, and that will produce happiness,” he said. “Be happy. And that will bring a great change on the Earth.”
Era of the Jaguar
The animal being, the savage, represents the free nature of humanity, and its equilibrium. The Mayan philosophy, Ac Tah said, begins with the Jaguar, which is returning now. It’s about recovering freedom for humanity, as well as the savage essence.
”Remember that nature is wild,” he said. If it doesn’t drive us to violence, aggression, chaos, it can be a catalyst for human freedom.
December 21 2012,
Mayan Calendar,
Solar Storms,
The Pyramids
A New Earth
The coolest thing from where we sit and where we are at in our evolution is that we can see that the polarity of light and dark is just an illusion.... I mean heck, this whole 3rd dimension is just an illusion. Nothing propels evolution and enlightenment faster than doing a sacred dance (I say that instead of "doing battle" it just sounds better) with the darkness... because when we truly figure out what we are not, we then KNOW who we really are and just how strong we are. I finally see such great potential in the human race. The old paradigm was a beautiful teacher for the sake of ascending into a higher consciousness. I used to (and still am sometimes) be so afraid of what I saw and I would get sooo angry at the injustices done all over the world. I know that we often ask "How could God allow bad things to good people?" but now I see the purpose in all things that are done here. I see why the darkness was "invited" here, and why we all were allowed to stray so far. The greatest students are allowed to go to the hardest school, and this dense reality is a VERY hard school. I see the hope, promise and potential of the human race, we will make it! And we are going to do it all by ourselves (well, with a lot of help from "Otherworlders" that have incarnated as humans) and then once humanity does get rid of that old paradigm and the veil is lifted completely, our vibration will rise and all will be back to normal.
The Veil
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