Sunday, December 25, 2011

Birth as we know it

Our memory starts at birth
Wipe away the pain of our ancestors, and our past
LOVE begins at birth
Stand up, Stand tall
Change the world
The old paradigm is over
The Patriarchal Society is over
Our Mother is waking, and she will help us reclaim what is ours
Feel her energy, and have a conscious BIRTH

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Golden Age, The Great Forgetting and The Great Remembering

"My thought patterns on specific concepts that the ancients put forth, that in turn have become constructs of our reality, have changed in the last year.

Imagine, knowing your spirit while being physical, knowing what is beyond physical death, being in communion with not only your past, but others past - being in communion with the universe...No disease, no hunger, no violence, no lies, no distrust in the human condition. Rather everything about your spiritual/physical family of beings is pure and there is nothing missing. The veil is not only gone, it had yet to even come into existence.

Back then, energies began leaving, and the veil was coming. Some began thinking of what exactly that might entail, though they could not imagine it as it truly would become, because the veil, the Forgetting, the separation had yet to make mankind fall into tragedy, trauma and...fear. Imagine...fear was not even in their reality. They were connected to everything.

It was the Golden Age.

As cycles spin round, spiral in form as the universe decrees, the increased energies that birthed their Golden Age - their own version of the Fluff that they resided in - began falling, spinning away from the solar system into mythology, receding into the aether behind.

We spiritual beings called humans were entering the darkness at the same rate that the Fluff fell away, falling away from knowing the universe, falling far from the comfort of God's communion. A new name took hold...The Fallen. And the process of forgetting our souls began, of being separated from the divine, of the eternal fall from being a conscious spiritual knowing being utterly alone. A massive scarring took place within our collective psyche. During the falling process, when we were in the throes of forgetting what we are, we scrambled to remember what we were losing. Memories carved in stone, raised as monuments, frozen memories defying time. Some held on longer (they had yet to forget, but in their horror, they witnessed others already fallen) but knew that soon we all were going to lose contact with our souls...and so ensued massive trauma, something much worse than death, not only a tragedy to the human condition, but to our divine souls...the horror that was to come...the killing fields that would soak the world through...

They knew that when the Fluff left (the interstellar cloud, though they thought of it differently, of course) we would FORGET. So they wrote to the future. I Ching, 'religious texts', pyramids, secret knowledge, calendars, etc. Someday they knew that there would come a day (the universe decrees the spinning of the spiral, after all) when a new Golden Age would surface, and just as our memory once fell away with a receding interstellar cloud, memory would rise once more, like a surging wave, an all encompassing spirit arriving on the cloud of God.

So, in attempts to tell us how to live properly, one with all, without killing/stealing/lying...without fear...they shouted from the past.

But there was a problem...They did not know how far reality would change. When going from one age of light, to an age of dark, 'reality' is different - it changes. So confusion and misunderstanding and convolution reigned as one age living in a fading light, tried to communicate to the coming age of darkness.

But they shouted as loud as they could! On stone, on copper, vellum in sealed vase, in symbols, in writing, books, in visions, in dreams, in myths, in prophecies, on pyramids, on monoliths, in calendars, in the alignment of stars, in maps, tombs, in the very monuments and structures of their civilizations...

God, how much louder do they have to be?

Imagine the fear that must have gripped them when the forgetting began to take root. For the first time in an eternal spirit's reality, the true unknown, the darkness, lay stretched out in front of them (knowing that they would be us) for thousands and thousands of years - with NO WAY OUT...not because there was no way out, but merely because we forgot there was a way.

We are finally beginning to remember again. We are remembering that we were never left all alone. We are remembering that there has always been a way.

Its been a long time, hasn't it...?"
This is from my FAVORITE blog ever...

Two new paintings!

Vesica Piscis- The Union


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays

I don't mean to offend anyone, but when I am offended, I must say something.  This picture says it all.  I celebrate Christmas, but I also celebrate the Winter Solstice.  I love calling this time of the year "The High Holidays" magic is truly in the air!  Also, I think this needs to be said... Christmas time is when Christ the son is born, right?  He is returning light, bringing promise to the darkness.  Sounds very similar to the Winter Solstice which is just a few days awayfrom Christmas.  Winter Solstice is about the VERY same thing... they days have been short, the night and the cold has been long.  December 21st is the longest night, but... there is hope and promise because from this day forth light is returning to Mother Earth and her children.  As a society we must remember our roots, and not condemn them.  By condemning where we came from, who we are and what others celebrate we hurt ourselves and our very soul.


Look to the trees
for they are our Teachers

their roots delve deep into Mother Earth
to hold them strong and steady
ready for any storm

their trunk strong and bark thick
to protect them from intruders

their branches and leaves spread high to the Sun
breathing in life
swaying and bending in the storm
releasing any branches no longer useful

always offering shade to those who need it
and always listening to their Great Mother

Look to the trees
for they are Masters

(OK, my first attempt at a poem... criticism welcome :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

She's Alive... Beautiful... Finite... Hurting... Worth Dying for.

Love one another? Now this is hard, but ok I can do it!

So, I really need to starting venting my frustrations, my fears, my laughs... by all means, I am not afraid to speak my mind. I just need to put content like this out there, out here into cyber land, and RELEASE it.  So that I am no longer bottling it up inside. 

I love Facebook.  I love hearing from people, staying in contact with them, and hearing what is on people's minds.  That being said, I am friends with a lot of different people, from all walks of life and many that I "agree to disagree" with.  One good old family friend that I am friends with posts a lot of her thoughts, feelings, opinions.  And, rightfully so!  This is a free country (supposedly) and we all have a right to voice our opinions.  I read some of her posts and I must say I just have to laugh most of the time.  I disagree with her SO much.  She is the definition of the self-righteous "Christian".  Now, I put Christian in parenthesis because I love Christianity, I love Jesus, I see the beauty in that religion.  But like Ghandi said

"I like your Christ.  I do not like your Christians.  Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

I can really relate to this quote, on many levels.  Some of the Christians I have met are some of thee most judgemental people, and act as if Heaven is a special club ONLY for them and the rest of us are damned to hell for eternity.  They will do or say anything to make you feel smaller than them.  Since they have a one way ticket to heaven they feel so sorry for you because you are destined to HELL.  I posted a quote on facebook awhile back about the Dalai Lama-

"This is my simple religion.  There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy.  Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."

She replied back that she was going to pray for me and that she felt very sorry for me **BIG SIGH** oh this hurt... so I replied back after thinking of many mean egoish things to say "Thank you :)  I will pray for you too, we all need love don't we?"  I feel with that comment I rose to my highest good, but my ego was very wounded.

This kind of behavior is not just a trait for Christianity, this is a human trait found in many religions and in all walks of life.  I use Christianity as an example because in my life, this is my lesson, so this is what I see.  This kind of thinking comes from a place of fear, and that is very forgivable, all negative acts are.  To combat these kind of demons, this kind of fear we must only combat them with LOVE.  It is really true when people say love is the only answer.  LOVE IS THE ANSWER to every problem.  She comes from a place of love, everyone always does.  Fear is merely a lack of love.  Judgement is a lack of love.

So, last night I jump on Facebook to see what I could see.  First thing I see is this post "Christians are still around, where are the druids, who built Stonehenge around the winter solstice."
Oh, this one cut deep.  A lot of my past lives are in Ireland and Scotland.  I love Stonehenge with every breath of my soul.  My very soul belongs there, that is home to me.  Not Meghan of course, but my real self, my higher self.  I AM a druid, I have been a druid before.  This is as real to me as the Sun comes up in the morning.  So, this hurt. Really bad.  I remember what happened, and why the Earth, Sun and Sky are no longer loved and celebrated like they were.

So, my ego started thinking really nasty, human thoughts.  "WELL missy, I know why they aren't around any longer!  Christians KILLED them all!  Or FORCED them to convert, against their will!  Witch hunts, if anyone was caught enjoying nature, they were slaughtered!  Look it up!!!! Second of all they have passed on into the afterlife!  Just like the Christians who built Saint Peter's Basilica or any of the old churches!  Its called mortality!!!!!!!  That was hundreds of years ago!  aaaaaaaaaaaaaand there are millions of Pagans all around the world!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, in fact, there are thousands of Pagans and Druids who still celebrate there Every. Winter. Solstice.

Ohhhh, I got mad, scary mad.  But, you know it feels sooo good to get that stuff out.  FEEL your pain, so you can move through and then move on.  I wanted to defriend her immediately, but I didn't.  Then I was going to post on my FB page

"Go ahead and pray for me and I will dance naked in the forest for you"

...and then I was going to post on her page "I Love You" ...but, I didn't think that would be sincere, just condescending.  So, in the end I did nothing.  Just forgave her in my heart, because, in the end she did nothing wrong.

UPDATE:  Ok, I did it, I posted on her status.  This is what I said--> "there are thousands of people that still celebrate the Solstice at Stonehenge every year. Stonehenge is a very sacred site to millions of people all over the world, and is a beautiful prehistoric monument that was built by our highly intelligent ancestors. You should research what happened in the 1400-1500s in Europe, it is a very dark time in Christian history, when thousands were tortured and killed for the smallest crimes, mostly women."
I just couldn't let this slide, it had been bothering me all day.  So, I cooled my jets and I feel that my response wasn't being too mean, just assertive and informative.... we are all allowed to voice our opinions, and so am I.